Memoir of a Debulked Woman
Written by Susan Gubar

In this moving memoir, a renowned feminist scholar explores the physical and psychological ordeal of living with ovarian cancer. Diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2008, Susan Gubar underwent radical debulking surgery, an attempt to excise the cancer by removing part or all of many organs in the lower abdomen. Her memoir mines the deepest levels of anguish and devotion as she struggles to come to terms with her body’s betrayal and the frightful protocols of contemporary medicine. She finds solace in the abiding love of her husband, children, and friends while she searches for understanding in works of literature, visual art, and the testimonies of others who suffer with various forms of cancer.
Buy Susan's book here, all proceeds go for fighting Ovarian Cancer.

Chicken Soup for the Cancer Survivor’s Soul
Written by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Mary Olsen Kelly

This inspiring book was first published in 1996 even though I had gone through cancer myself five years ago I have to admit I just recently read this book. I was touched by the individual journeys and the strength of these cancer patients, I was emotionally touched, uplifted and cried when reading various entries. I highly recommend anyone going through cancer or a family member going through this terrible disease to read this very moving book.
Sharon Leigh

When God and Cancer meet
Written by Lynn Eib

Lynn is a cancer survivor who shares her own personal experiences with hearing the words “You have Cancer”. These words are the scariest words anyone would ever hear. The shared stories in this book are uplifting, real, bringing to life what you are going through, and at times funny. We can, at times, look back at some of our reactions and actions and get a little laugh out of personal experiences. This is a great read for anyone who has just received those dreaded words.
Sharon Leigh

Hope in the Face of Cancer
A survival guide for the journey you did not choose

Written by Amy Givler M.D.

Starting from the affirmation that cancer is a treatable disease, Amy offers solid medical and spiritual guidance-along with personal stories and examples-that will make it easier to seek, evaluate, and make decisions about treatment. Emilie Barnes, bestselling author and speaker says “I wish someone could have put Dr. Givler’s book into my hand when I walked out of the doctor’s office after hearing my diagnosis”.
Sharon Leigh